Saturday, October 25, 2014


Animals have always been a part of my life. I've written before about the past pups and cats I've had, and they all hold a very special place in my heart. This post has been gut wrenching for me to even think about writing, but I feel like it's important for me to share the hard things of life. A few weeks ago, my rottweiler Taca said goodbye to me and my family. He suddenly became very ill, and quickly was digressing with little hope of recovery. He was a old, big dog, and things like this happen often. However, it still doesn't make the situation feel any better. On the actual day, I was a hot mess. I felt horrible that I couldn't physically be there, and all the news of him being sick was a complete shock for me. Needless to say, I cried for many nights. And everyday I think about him, and his crazy personality.  Even some days now I cry because I know I won't even be able to scratch his belly or see his slobbery face again. What has helped me through the mourning is remembering all the sweet memories I have of him.
Taca led a very happy life filled with family and other animal siblings that loved him so much. He would come running to the door to welcome us home, and every time he would step on your toe or knock some over. Crazy big dog! When he got someone's attention and they started petting him, he could never get enough. It's like the moment you stopped petting him was the same moment he forgot you were petting him, so he would want more! I like to call what he had "big dog syndrome." He thought he was small enough to sit in your lap. And if he could, he would sit on your lap and just love you all day. He was a giant teddy bear that couldn't be happier to see you.
He was a constant reminder of what unconditional love was, and how a pet can bring so much warmth and happiness into a person's life. Goodness, tears are coming down now just thinking about him and seeing these photos. I loved Taca so much, and I was the lucky one to have him in my life. The last day of a pet's life is probably the hardest day with them, but I would hate to discredit all the awesome and funny days I had with him. I am so sad I will not see my boy again, but I am so happy I got to spend 10 wonderful years with him.
My sweet boy, I miss you and will love you everyday of my life. Rest in peace, and have fun with Osita, Chili, Chizzy, and PB for me.
Thanks Gil for these two amazing photos. They mean so much to me and my family.
The City Feline

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