You may have noticed that I've been absent for a few weeks now. Much has happened, and through the next few posts I'll be sharing some travel tips and photos from the different adventures I've had. A lot has occurred during this time, so I'm just gathering my barrings. That way I can share what's best with you.
This is one of my favorite photos from the Europe trip Dominic and I spent together. We put our lock on Lover's Bridge in Paris, which has always been a dream of mine. However, I knew I wanted to have this moment with someone I truly believed was my everything.
It's a beautiful reminder that we have the free will and ability to choose whom we love. And how when we take on a partnership with someone it can be hard work and also extremely rewarding. We put our lock on the bridge, and threw away the keys as a symbol of our unwavering commitment and love.
More photos of this trip and more coming soon!
The City Feline
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