Monday, January 12, 2015

Creative and Easy DIY Tape Transfer

There's something about making something with your hands. I've taken many art classes from pottery, drawing (I would love to do more), and of course photography. In each art form there's a time of patience, creation, and excitement. I love getting my creative juices flowing with different art projects.

I wanted to create a piece of art on a blank canvas I had for my gallery wall. I saw this DIY tape transfer method on A Beautiful Mess, and I thought I could make a really cool collage out of the strips of tape.

The project was so easy! What I loved the most was that I didn't have to make it look perfect. Actually the more tared and mismatched, the better!
You need magazines, package tape, and water. 
1) Place the package tape of the clip you like.

I used magazine clippings that have bright colors, phrases I liked, and places I have or will travel to.

2) Remove the paper around the tape- this is where beauty in the imperfection lies
3) Soak your tape in water for about 5 minutes
4)Use your fingers to rub the paper away from the tape. It will peel off, leaving a beautiful, imperfect transfer. 
5) That's it! Let them dry and apply to white paper or surface.  
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein

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